Home to read_waveform and all format-specific reading functions.
- pisces.io.readwaveform.numpy_read(DATAFILE, BYTEOFFSET, NUM, PERMISSION, DTYPE)[source]#
Read NumPy-compatible binary data.
Modeled after MatSeis function read_file in util/waveread.m.
- pisces.io.readwaveform.read_s3(DATAFILE, BYTEOFFSET, NUM)[source]#
Read signed big-endian 3-byte integers into a 4-byte native NumPy array.
- pisces.io.readwaveform.read_seed(DATAFILE, BYTEOFFSET=0, NUM=None)[source]#
Read a SEED or miniSEED ‘sd’ datatype.
- pisces.io.readwaveform.read_waveform(DATAFILE, DATATYPE, BYTEOFFSET, NUM)[source]#
Read a data vector of a certain data type.
- Parameters:
- DATAFILEstring
Path and name of data file.
- DATATYPEstring
- {‘f4’, ‘i1’, ‘i2’, ‘i4’, ‘p4’, ‘t8’, ‘s2’, ‘p8’, ‘s4’, ‘f8’, ‘u4’, ‘t4’,
‘s1’, ‘sd’, ‘e1’, ‘sc’, ‘sy’}
Data type string (from wfdisc.datatype). ‘sd’, ‘sc’, and ‘sy’ are SEED/miniSEED, SAC, and SEGY ‘e1’ requires installation of the “e1” python module.
Number of bytes from beginning of file.
- NUMint
Number of samples to read.
- Returns:
- datanumpy.array
Vector of NUM samples of type DATATYPE.
- Raises:
- ValueError
Unrecognized DATATYPE.
- IOError
DATAFILE does not exist.
If the file has a header and you want it, you’ll have to read it manually with obspy.core.read or something else.