
Antelope v4.11 Datascope database schema

class pisces.schema.antelope.Affiliation(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

endtime = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
net = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
sta = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
time = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Amplitude(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

amp = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
ampid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None, nullable=False)#
amptime = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
amptype = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
arid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
auth = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
chan = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
clip = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
deltaf = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
duration = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
inarrival = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
parid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
per = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
snr = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
time = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
units = Column(None, String(length=12), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Arrival(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

amp = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
arid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
auth = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
azimuth = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
chan = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
chanid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
clip = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
delaz = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
delslo = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
deltim = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
ema = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
fm = Column(None, String(length=2), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
iphase = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
jdate = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
logat = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
per = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
qual = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
rect = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
slow = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
snr = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
sta = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
stassid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
stype = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
time = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Assoc(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

arid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
azdef = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
azres = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
belief = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
delta = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
emares = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
esaz = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
orid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
phase = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
seaz = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
slodef = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
slores = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
sta = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
timedef = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
timeres = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
vmodel = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
wgt = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Event(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

auth = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
evid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
evname = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
prefor = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Gregion(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
grn = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
grname = Column(None, String(length=40), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Instrument(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

band = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
dfile = Column(None, String(length=32), table=None)#
digital = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
dir = Column(None, String(length=64), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
inid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
insname = Column(None, String(length=50), table=None)#
instype = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
ncalib = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
ncalper = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
rsptype = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
samprate = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Lastid(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
keyname = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
keyvalue = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Netmag(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

auth = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
evid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
magid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None, nullable=False)#
magnitude = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
magtype = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
net = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
nsta = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
orid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
uncertainty = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Network(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

auth = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
net = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
netname = Column(None, String(length=80), table=None)#
nettype = Column(None, String(length=4), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Origerr(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
conf = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
orid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
sdepth = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
sdobs = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
smajax = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
sminax = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
stime = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
strike = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
stt = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
stx = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
sty = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
stz = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
sxx = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
sxy = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
sxz = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
syy = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
syz = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
szz = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Origin(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

algorithm = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
auth = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
depdp = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
depth = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
dtype = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
etype = Column(None, String(length=2), table=None)#
evid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
grn = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
jdate = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
lat = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
lon = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
mb = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
mbid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
ml = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
mlid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
ms = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
msid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
nass = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
ndef = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
ndp = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
orid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
review = Column(None, String(length=4), table=None)#
srn = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
time = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Remark(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
lineno = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
remark = Column(None, String(length=80), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Sensor(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

calper = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
calratio = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
chan = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
chanid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
endtime = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
inid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
instant = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
jdate = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
sta = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
time = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
tshift = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Site(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

deast = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
dnorth = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
elev = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lat = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
lon = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
offdate = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
ondate = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
refsta = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
sta = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
staname = Column(None, String(length=50), table=None)#
statype = Column(None, String(length=4), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Sitechan(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

chan = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
chanid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
ctype = Column(None, String(length=4), table=None)#
descrip = Column(None, String(length=50), table=None)#
edepth = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
hang = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
offdate = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
ondate = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
sta = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
vang = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Sregion(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
srn = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
srname = Column(None, String(length=40), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Stamag(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

arid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
auth = Column(None, String(length=15), table=None)#
commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
evid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
magid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None, nullable=False)#
magnitude = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
magtype = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
orid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
phase = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
sta = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
uncertainty = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Wfdisc(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.


Read the wfdisc line into a Trace instance.

calib = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
calper = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
chan = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
chanid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
clip = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
commid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
datatype = Column(None, String(length=2), table=None)#
dfile = Column(None, String(length=32), table=None)#
dir = Column(None, String(length=64), table=None)#
endtime = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#
foff = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
instype = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
jdate = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
nsamp = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
samprate = Column(None, Float(precision=24), table=None)#
segtype = Column(None, String(length=1), table=None)#
sta = Column(None, String(length=6), table=None)#
time = Column(None, Float(precision=53), table=None)#

Read the wfdisc line into a Trace instance. Minimal header.

wfid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
class pisces.schema.antelope.Wftag(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base


from_string(line[, default_on_error])

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

classmethod from_string(line, default_on_error=None)#

Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.

Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.

line: str

Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).

default_on_error: list, optional

Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).

ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.


default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.


>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line)
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite:
        for line in ffsite:
            isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
lddate = Column(None, DateTime(), table=None, nullable=False, onupdate=CallableColumnDefault(<function datetime.now>))#
tagid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#
tagname = Column(None, String(length=8), table=None)#
wfid = Column(None, Integer(), table=None)#