Helper functions for maintaining database schema.
- class pisces.schema.util.CoreTable(name, prototype, table)#
- Attributes:
- name
Alias for field number 0
- prototype
Alias for field number 1
- table
Alias for field number 2
(value, /)Return number of occurrences of value.
(value[, start, stop])Return first index of value.
- name#
Alias for field number 0
- prototype#
Alias for field number 1
- table#
Alias for field number 2
- class pisces.schema.util.PiscesMeta(clsname, parents, dct)[source]#
(*args, **kwargs)Call self as a function.
(/)Return a type's method resolution order.
- pisces.schema.util.from_string(cls, line, default_on_error=None)[source]#
Construct a mapped table instance from correctly formatted flat file line.
Works with fixed-length fields, separated by a single whitespace.
- Parameters:
- line: str
Flat file line (best to remove newline, but maybe not a problem).
- default_on_error: list, optional
Supply a list of column names that return default values if they produce an error during parsing (e.g. lddate).
- Raises:
- ValueError: Can’t properly parse the line.
default_on_error is useful for malformed fields, but it will also mask other problems with line parsing. It’s better to pre-process tables to match the table specifications or catch exceptions and isolate these lines.
>>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite: for line in ffsite: isite = Site.from_string(line) or >>> with open('TA.site','r') as ffsite: for line in ffsite: isite = Site.from_string(line, default_on_error=['lddate'])
- pisces.schema.util.get_infovals(meta, structure, key)[source]#
Get flattened values from column info dictionary for given metadata and desired structure.
If key is not in column info, None is used.
- Returns:
- colnames: list
Flattened column names.
- vals: list
>>> from pisces.schema.kbcore import Base >>> fields, defaults = get_infovals(Base.metadata, ['site'], 'default') >>> print(defaults) ['-', -1, 2286324, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0, '-', '-', '-', -99999, -99999, <built-in method now of type object at 0x100601060>] >>> print(fields) ['sta', 'ondate', 'offdate', 'lat', 'lon', 'elev', 'staname', 'statype', 'refsta', 'dnorth', 'deast', 'lddate']
- pisces.schema.util.string_formatter(meta, structure)[source]#
Get string substitution formatter for given structure and schema.
If you’re looking for a write_flatfile function, this is it. It takes advantage of native python string formatting and file writing.
- Parameters:
- meta: sqlalchemy.MetaData
Columns in tables must have info={‘format’: ?}
- structure: iterable of str
Strings are known schema objects (tables, columns).
- Returns:
- fmt: str
String substitution formatter for provided structure within provided schema.
>>> recs = session.query(Origin, sta.lat, sta.lon).limit(10).all() >>> fmt = string_formatter(meta.tables.values(), ['origin', 'lat', 'lon']) >>> with open('origin_lat_lon.txt', 'w') as f: for rec in recs: f.write(fmt.format(rec))