Convenience functions for building common queries.
- pisces.request.distaz_query(records, deg=None, km=None, swath=None)[source]#
Out-of-database subset based on distances and/or azimuths.
- Parameters:
- recordsiterable of objects with lat, lon attribute floats
Target of the subset.
- deglist or tuple of numbers, optional
(centerlat, centerlon, minr, maxr) minr, maxr in degrees or None for unconstrained.
- kmlist or tuple of numbers, optional
(centerlat, centerlon, minr, maxr) minr, maxr in km or None for unconstrained.
- swathlist or tuple of numbers, optional
(lat, lon, azimuth, tolerance) Azimuth (from North) +/-tolerance from lat,lon point in degrees.
- Returns:
- list
Subset of supplied records.
- pisces.request.geographic_query(q, table, region=None, depth=None, asquery=False)[source]#
Filter by region (W, E, S, N) [deg] and/or depth range (min, max) [km].
- pisces.request.get_arrivals(session, arrival, assoc=None, stations=None, channels=None, atime=None, phases=None, arids=None, orids=None, auth=None, asquery=False)[source]#
Build common queries for arrivals.
- Parameters:
- stations, channelslist or tuple of strings
Desired station, channel strings.
- arrival: mapped Arrival table class
- assoc: mapped Assoc table class, optional
- atimetuple or list of float, optional
(tstart, tend) epoch arrival time window. Either can be None.
- phases: list or tuple of strings
Arrival ‘iphase’.
- aridslist of integers
Desired arid numbers.
- oridslist of integers
orids from which associated arrivals will be returned. Requires Assoc table.
- authlist/tuple of strings
Arrival author list.
- Returns:
- list or sqlalchemy.orm.Query instance
Arrival results.
Each argument adds an AND clause to the SQL query. Unspecified (keyword) arguments are treated as wildcards. That is, no arguments means, “give me all arrivals everywhere ever.”
- pisces.request.get_events(session, origin, event=None, region=None, deg=None, km=None, swath=None, mag=None, depth=None, etime=None, orids=None, evids=None, prefor=False, asquery=False)[source]#
Build common queries for events.
- Parameters:
- sessionsqlalchemy.orm.Session instance
Must be bound.
- originmapped Origin table class
- eventmapped Event table class, optional
- regionlist or tuple of numbers, optional
(W, E, S, N) in degrees. Default, None.
- deglist or tuple of numbers, optional
(centerlat, centerlon, minr, maxr) . Default, None. minr, maxr in degrees or None for unconstrained.
- kmlist or tuple of numbers, optional
(centerlat, centerlon, minr, maxr) Default, None. minr, maxr in km or None for unconstrained.
- swathlist or tuple of numbers, optional
(lat, lon, azimuth, tolerance) Azimuth (from North) +/-tolerance from lat,lon point in degrees. Not yet implemented.
- magdict, optional
{‘type1’: [min1, max1], ‘type2’: [min2, max2], …} ‘type’ can be ‘mb’, ‘ms’, or ‘ml’. Produces OR clauses.
- depthtuple or list, optional
Depth interval [mindep, maxdep] in km. Use None for an unconstrained limit.
- etimetuple or list, optional
(tstart, tend) epoch event time window Use None for an unconstrained limit.
- orids, evidslist or tuple of int, optional
orid, evid numbers < 1000 in length Evids requires event table.
- preforbool, optional
Return preferred origins only. Default False. Requires event table be provided.
- asquerybool, optional
Return the query object instead of the results. Default, False. Useful if additional you desire additional sorting of filtering, or if you have your own in-database geographic query function(s). If supplied, deg, km, and/or swath are ignored in the returned query.
- Returns:
- sqlalchemy.orm.Query instance
Each keyword argument corresponds to an AND clause, except ‘mag’ which returns OR clauses. Don’t submit a request containing both ‘evids’ and ‘orids’ unless you want them joined by an AND clause. Otherwise process them individually, then collate and unique them afterwards.
- pisces.request.get_ids(session, lastid, ids, detach=False)[source]#
Get or create lastid rows.
- Parameters:
- sessionsqlalchemy.orm.session instance, bound
- lastidsqlalchemy orm mapped lastid table
- idslist
Desired lastid keyname strings.
- detachbool, optional
If True, expunge results from session before returning. Useful if you don’t have permission on lastid, and don’t want session commits to throw a permission error.
- Returns:
- list
Corresponding existing or new rows from lastid table.
Keyvalue is 0 if id name not present in lastid table.
- pisces.request.get_stations(session, site, sitechan=None, affiliation=None, stations=None, channels=None, nets=None, loc=None, region=None, deg=None, km=None, swath=None, time_span=None, asquery=False)[source]#
Build common queries for stations.
- Parameters:
- sessionsqlalchemy.orm.Session instance
Must be bound.
- sitemapped Site table class
- sitechanmapped Sitechan table class, optional
- affiliationmapped Affiliation table class, optional
- stationslist or tuple of strings
Desired station code strings.
- channels, netslist or tuple of strings, or single regex string, optional
Desired channel, network code strings or regex
- loclist/tuple, optional
Location code. Not yet implemented.
- regiontuple or list of numbers, optional
Geographic (W,E,S,N) in degrees, None values for unconstrained.
- deglist or tuple of numbers, optional
(centerlat, centerlon, minr, maxr) minr, maxr in degrees or None for unconstrained.
- kmlist or tuple of numbers, optional
(centerlat, centerlon, minr, maxr) minr, maxr in km or None for unconstrained.
- swathlist or tuple of numbers, optional
(lat, lon, azimuth, tolerance) Azimuth (from North) +/-tolerance from lat,lon point in degrees. Currently only works in gnem Oracle.
- asquerybool, optional
Return the query object instead of the results. Default, False. Useful if additional you desire additional sorting of filtering, or if you have your own in-database geographic query function(s). If supplied, deg, km, and/or swath are ignored in the returned query.
- time_spantuple or list
(startdate, enddate) or [startdate, enddate] startdate and enddate are integer julian days of when you want stations (YYYYddd). If stations were moved one or more times in the time_span, you will get multiple copies of the station with updated gps values. If you want to be guaranteed a specific station at a specific time, startdate and enddate must both be included, even if they are the same.
Each parameter produces an AND clause, list parameters produce IN clauses, a regex produces a REGEXP_LIKE clause (Oracle-specific?).
deg, km, and swath are evaluated out-of-database by evaluating all other flags first, then masking. This can be memory-intensive. See “Examples” for how to perform in-database distance filters.
To include channels or networks with your results use asquery=True, and
>>> q = q.add_columns(Sitechan.chan) >>> q = q.add_columns(Affiliation.net)
with the returned query.
Use your own in-database distance query function “km_from_point”:
>>> from sqlalchemy import func >>> q = get_stations(session, site, channels=['BHZ'], region=(65,75,30,40), asquery=True) >>> stations = q.filter(func.km_from_point(site.lat, site.lon, 40, -110) < 100).all()
- pisces.request.get_waveforms(session, wfdisc, station=None, channel=None, starttime=None, endtime=None, wfids=None, tol=None, asquery=False)[source]#
Request waveforms.
- Parameters:
- sessionsqlalchemy.orm.Session instance
Must be bound.
- wfdiscmapped Wfdisc table class
- station, channelstr, optional
Desired station, channel code strings
- starttimes, endtimesfloat, optional
Epoch start times, end times. Traces will be cut to these times.
- wfidsiterable of int, optional
Wfdisc wfids. Obviates the above arguments and just returns full Wfdisc row waveforms.
- tolfloat
If provided, a warning is fired if any Trace is not within tol seconds of starttime and endtime.
- asquerybool, optional
Return the query object instead of the results. Default, False. Useful if additional you desire additional sorting of filtering.
- Returns:
- obspy.Stream
Traces are merged and cut to requested times.
- pisces.request.get_wfdisc_rows(session, wfdisc, sta=None, chan=None, t1=None, t2=None, wfids=None, daylong=False, asquery=False, verbose=False)[source]#
Returns a list of wfdisc records from provided SQLAlchemy ORM mapped wfdisc table, for given station, channel, and time window combination.
- Parameters:
- session: bound session instance
- wfdisc: SQLAlchemy mapped wfdisc table
- sta, chan,str, optional
station, channel strings,
- t1, t2int, optional
Epoch time window of interest (seconds) Actually searches for wfdisc.time between t1-86400 and t2 and wfdisc.endtime > t1
- wfidslist of integers, optional
wfid integers. Obviates other arguments.
- daylongbool, optional
If True, uses a slightly different time query for best results. Not yet implemented (is currently the default behavior).
- asquerybool, optional
Return the query object instead of the results. Default, False. Useful if additional you desire additional sorting of filtering.
- verbosebool, optional
Print request to the stdout. Not used with asquery=True.
- Returns:
- list of wfdisc row objects, or sqlalchemy.orm.Query instance
- pisces.request.netstachan_query(q, stations=None, channels=None, networks=None, asquery=False)[source]#
- pisces.request.wfdisc_rows_to_stream(wf_rows, start_t, end_t, tol=None)[source]#
Convert wfdisc rows to obspy stream, trim the data to starttime and endtime in the process
- Parameters:
- wf_rows
Wfdisc rows as generated by get_wfdisc_rows or similar
- start_t: UTCDateTime
Requested start time of the returned traces
- end_t: UTCDateTime
Requested end time of the returned traces
- tol: float
If provided, a warning is fired if any Trace is not within tol seconds of starttime and endtime
- Returns:
- obspy.Stream
Traces are merged and trimmed to requested times
- Raises:
- ValueError:
Returned Stream contains trace start/end times outside of the tolerance.